Monday, May 6, 2024

Rosemary is a woodsy aromatic herb native to the dry, rocky Mediterranean lands and coast. The genus name Rosmarinus translates to “dew of the sea”. For culinary purposes, it was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans dating back to 500 B.C. for both flavor and preservation and is still widely used today in many dishes.

What is Rosemary?

Along with sage and mint, it is a member of the botanical Lamiaceae family. It resembles a small pine tree in appearance and grows in bushes. The flowers of the bush are white, pink, or purple-blue. Its flavor profile includes notes of lemon, pine, and pepper. Nutritional benefits include its strong antioxidant and inflammatory compounds. It is also a good source of iron, calcium, and Vitamin B-6.

rosemary plant in close up photography

Rosemary In Cooking

Rosemary is a versatile herb used in a range of recipes like stews, casseroles, and soups. You may recognize it in lamb, steak, pork, fish, and poultry dishes by its distinct flavor. It pairs wonderfully with garlic and olive oil.

It has a very low moisture content. This means that the flavor is well-preserved when it’s dried. It is important to note that dried rosemary has tougher leaves so it is recommended to chop or crush it before adding to a recipe. If you are unable to do this, the powdered form will do just the trick! Whole sprigs of rosemary are often called for in stew and meat dishes. These can be added in before cooking and removed before serving. Rosemary has a very strong flavor profile, so it is best to use it sparingly. Cooking rosemary for too long may release strong flavors, overpowering your dish and causing it to become bitter.

Try storing your fresh rosemary in the fridge, in a plastic bag to increase shelf life.  It will keep for up to 3 weeks. Dried rosemary is best stored in an air-tight container away from moisture and light. 

Recipe Ideas

This low-sodium Oven-Braised Rosemary Chicken Legs recipe is high in protein and flavor. Pair this dish with your favorite roasted vegetables and rice for a balanced meal. This vegetarian Dijon Rosemary Sheet Pan Dinner is a quick and easy recipe that can be made in no time on just one pan. You can also add more vegetables or swap out the broccoli and potatoes for some of your favorites. This delicious 15-minute Rosemary Parmesan Popcorn recipe puts a creative spin on the popular snack food. Replace the garlic salt with garlic powder to cut back on sodium. From vinaigrettes, punches, sauces, and pastries, you can find a variety of fun recipes to experiment with this versatile herb with just a quick Google search. Check our blog post for more information on cooking with herbs and spices. 



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