Saturday, May 4, 2024

Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices in the world. It has been harvested for medicinal and culinary purposes for thousands of years. It has found its way into recipes for entrees, desserts, beverages, and snacks due to its unique but versatile flavor profile. Cinnamon has a distinctly warm, spicy, but sweet flavor. It is used as an aromatic condiment and flavoring additive in the culinary sphere. 

Cinnamon Sticks

What is Cinnamon?

It is found in tropical regions and comes from the inner bark or the outer branches of the Cinnamomum tree. There are many species of cinnamon. One of the most common, commercial varieties is Cassia or Chinese cinnamon. This type is usually called for in baking recipes due to its ability to handle high heat well. Another popular variety is Ceylon and it is commonly used in Europe and Mexico. Cinnamon is a good source of antioxidants. It is currently being researched for its ability to decrease inflammation in the body. It is also a source of calcium, iron, and vitamin K. This is a healthy spice to consume in normal amounts. However, it is important to note that consuming cinnamon in very large amounts can be harmful to the kidneys. In pill form, these herbs can alter liver enzymes, thin blood, and affect kidney function[1].

Cinnamon in Cooking

It is a common misconception that cinnamon is only used in sweet recipes. Interestingly enough, it has been used to flavor meats for thousands of years and is a great addition to savory dishes. Cinnamon is commonly found in Indian cooking where it serves as an aromatic addition to many curries and stews. It is also used in many warm drinks such as ciders, teas, Mexican hot chocolate, and horchata.  You can find ground cinnamon powder, extract, and even whole sticks at your local grocery store. Cinnamon and its varieties are typically found in the spice aisle.

Recipe Ideas

With warm weather approaching, this savory Grilled Indian Chicken is the perfect excuse to use your grill and spend some time outside. Opt-out on using salt and enjoy the flavors from all of the unique herbs and spices this recipe calls for. This kidney-friendly Apple Pie recipe is an easy but tasty recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth. Try adding a non-dairy whipped cream on top for the final touch. This low-sodium Cinnamon Roll Overnight Oats recipe is easy to pop into the fridge so it is ready to grab the next morning. If you prefer a vegetarian or non-dairy diet, substitute cow’s milk for plant-based milk. You can also add your favorite fruit and protein powder to put your own spin on it. Here you can find more information on cooking with herbs and spices. 


  1. 5 natural products that can Trigger renal failure. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2021, from

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