Sunday, May 19, 2024

With roots spread throughout Siberia, Greece, and China chives have had a rich culinary history dating back to 3,000 BC. They have served many purposes from spiritual healing to medical treatment in ancient history. Chives have also been used to add color and a flavorful punch to dishes. This herb has been a versatile, abundant ingredient for thousands of years.   This post is all about cooking with chives.

What Are Chives?

bundle of green chives on cutting board


Botanically, chives are classified as herbs. Chives come from a species of a flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae that produces edible leaves and light purple flowers. Related to onions and garlic, chives have a mild, yet bright flavor profile. Chive stems are more narrow and softer compared to scallion stems, making them an ideal option for garnishing. They grow in large amounts and are usually one of the first herbs to bloom in the garden in springtime. This delicious herb contains small amounts of vitamins A, C, and K.

Chives In Cooking

Chives are often mistaken for green onions or scallions. Although similar, it is important to know the difference as each ingredient brings a unique flavor to the table. Chives can serve as a replacement for recipes that call for green onions and scallions. However, they tend to have a more mild flavor. Therefore, adding a bit more will ensure the bright flavor is experienced throughout the dish. Chives are great to use in omelets, bread, dips, and spreads. They are best consumed raw as a garnish or lightly cooked due to their delicate texture.

Recipe Ideas

This Green Tahini Ranch Dip is a great vegetarian option for experimenting with chives in the kitchen. Pair this delicious dip with your favorite vegetables or use it as a dressing to top a fresh salad. These low-sodium Crunch Vegetable Wraps are a great way to get in a variety of vegetables and nutrients into your diet. Feel free to add different vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices to this recipe or even flavored cream cheese. Chives are a kidney-friendly food and a great alternative to seasoning with salt. Try this quick and easy Salmon and Chive Pate paired with toast or crackers. This tasty recipe is suitable for individuals with chronic kidney disease. Check out our recent blog post for more tips on how to cook with herbs and spices.

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