Saturday, May 18, 2024

As a Dietitian, I’m always up for tasting and learning about new foods.  Last weekend I was introduced to a new fruit….PAW PAW.  I had never heard of this fruit and was surprised to find several trees growing in the woods in my own backyard.  Paw Paw is the largest fruit-bearing tree native to North America.

paw paw

The fruit is delicious and tastes kind of like a banana/mango.  I cut the fruit in half lengthwise and scooped out the yummy pulp which has a texture resembling custard.  There were huge seeds inside so they were easy to work around.  I ate mine with a spoon right out of the shell.  I started looking for recipes and found that it can be substituted easily in any recipe that calls for banana, so muffins or bread are good options.  The pulp also freezes well so I will be able to harvest the fruit and freeze the pulp for use all winter long.

Paw Paw is nutrient-rich and packed with Vitamin C, Fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper and manganese.  It’s also a pretty good source of calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.  A 3 oz. portion is around 80 calories with 1.2 grams of protein, 18.8gm of carbohydrate and 1.2gm of fat.

If you are out enjoying the weather this fall take a look around and see if you can find a paw paw tree and give the fruit a try.  Paw paws are in season in September and October and can be found growing in the eastern US, anywhere from the Great Lakes to Florida.  Paw Paw isn’t typically found in grocery stores because it becomes mushy very easily, so farmers markets and hiking trails are your best bet.

What new foods have you tried lately?

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